why frank caprio is famous?

 Frank Caprio, an American judge, has a lot of captivating videos. He recently accepted a Chitrali hat from a Pakistani and snapped a selfie with the man while the hat was on his head.

The judge's court cases are widely shared on social media. His way of enquiry clearly displays a fatherly concern.

Accused individuals who arrive in the Honorable Judge's court also do so with a deep sense of shame because they believe they have committed a serious sin. In court, they freely admit their wrongdoing. The honourable court also probes for information to determine if the crime was committed carelessly or under pressure.

Without any hesitation, the honourable judge sets the fine in accordance with the nature of the crime. The defendant responds by graciously paying the fine and saying "thank you."

I watched a court case today with a woman who is supporting her two children on her own after her spouse abandoned her. which requires her to work, look after her children, and perform household duties. She is also being tried in court while holding a toddler on her lap.

The fascinating part of the story is when the judge informs the woman that he is aware of her dire financial circumstances. If she is fined by the court, what will she do?

She would gladly pay whatever fine imposed on her in accordance with her offence, the woman retorted in a very brash and confident tone. She will not ask the court to take this into consideration.

The judge ruled that you must pay a $200 fine (about 46000 rupees).

I concur, the woman answers.

In response, the judge states that you will not pay this fine. The court is cognizant of the problems facing the populace. Therefore, one of our charities will cover the cost of this fine.

The American nation has been united by this spirit.

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