You'll End Up Like Saddam Hussain Israel Warns Turkish President Erdogan


Israel's Foreign Minister Israel Katz had some strong words for Turkey's President Erdogan. Erdogan said he might send troops into Israel. He was mad about what Israel is doing in Gaza.

Katz told the group called NATO that they should kick Turkey out. He compared what Erdogan said to how Saddam Hussein acted before getting into big trouble. Katz worries Erdogan could have problems too if he's not careful talking. 

Katz thinks Erdogan sounded like Hussein when he made threats. He said this because Turkey keeps saying Israel is wrong for how they treat Palestinians. Turkey has sent troops before and often criticizes how Israel acts in the area. 

But Erdogan went further when he said Turkey might attack Israel. Most other countries told both sides to calm down instead of fighting. They want Israel and Turkey to talk it out instead. 

Even though they're mad, Israel and Turkey still want the whole place to stay peaceful. They worked together on money and safety before. Lately some people tried making them friends again. 

It's not clear what will happen now. Will Israel and Turkey find a way to get along and solve their problems? Or will they keep arguing? We'll have to wait and see if they choose talking over threatening each other. 

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