What is uric acid? And how is it controlled?

 Uric acid

 Due to the breakdown of purine, uric acid is formed in the body, which reaches the kidneys from the blood and is excreted from the body through the urine from the kidneys. When uric acid does not leave the body, it forms small crystals inside the body.  Begins to accumulate in joints.  Due to this, the joints become useless and it becomes difficult for the patient to walk.

 Uric acid increase is not only related to eating unhealthy food, but uric acid can increase due to mental diseases and heart diseases. To control uric acid, you have to give up some habits and some dietary habits.  It has to be included in your daily life.

 ðŸ‘ˆ Symptoms of increased uric acid

 Pain in the joints

 ðŸ’¥ Getting lumps

 Swelling in the toes

 Swelling in the joints

 ðŸ’« When uric acid increases, reduce the meat of the big one.

 Use low fat milk

 ðŸ’« Do not consume too much omega 3 fatty acids.

 ðŸ’¥Vinegar: Vinegar is a natural cleanser and detoxifier. Vinegar helps to flush out waste products from our body including uric acid, but the malic acid present in it helps to break down uric acid and flush it out through urine.  Uric acid is controlled by drinking a spoonful of pure organic vinegar dissolved in a glass of water. Uric acid is controlled by using this solution twice a day for 4 weeks.


 Lemon is rich in vitamin C and alkaline. Lemon extract has apparently acidic properties but the vitamin C present in it quickly controls uric acid.

 Uric acid is controlled by squeezing half a lemon in a glass of warm water. You can add honey or sugar to this solution as per your taste. Drinking this solution every morning for four weeks will help you quickly.  Vitamin C supplements can also be taken as per doctor's advice to take vitamin C.

 Green Tea:

 Drinking green tea daily after dinner helps control uric acid and does not aggravate gout pain.


 According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, uric acid can be controlled by eating foods that are high in fiber, such as spinach, oatmeal, barley, broccoli, apples, cassava, pears, strawberries, blueberries, cucumbers, and carrots.  And bananas. These are the foods that relieve constipation, eating them opens the forehead, which allows the release of uric acid.

 Vegetable Jojoba:

 Generally, the uric acid of diabetic patients increases quickly and they are not able to eat foods that control uric acid. Therefore, patients who cannot eat every fruit and every vegetable should have the juice of one carrot and three cucumbers daily.  Take it out and drink it. With this juice, sugar will also be controlled and uric acid will also be controlled.

 Cherries and Strawberries:

 Cherries contain a component called anthocyanin that regulates uric acid. Cherries and berries (strawberries and blueberries) prevent uric acid from forming crystals, as these crystals accumulate in the joints and cause gout pain.  produce

 Baking Soda:

 Baking soda, also known as bicarbonate of soda, is very useful in reducing uric acid and reducing joint pain.  Baking soda helps dissolve uric acid and remove it through the kidneys. Dissolve half a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and drink it once a day. People with high blood pressure and people over 60 years of age should consult a doctor.  Follow the tips.

 ðŸ‘ˆ Easy Tips:

 Eating two to three walnuts on an empty stomach helps control high uric acid.

 ⭐Aloe vera gel mixed with aloe juice and drinking it also relieves joint pain due to excess uric acid.

 Coconut water is very effective in controlling uric acid levels.

 ⭐Uric acid is controlled by mixing one spoon of honey and one spoon of Asuga Nidha powder in a glass of lukewarm water or milk.

 ⭐ Chewing two to three spoons of linseed after meals also controls uric acid.

 ðŸ’¥ If there is pain in the lump due to increased uric acid, then drink the leaves of Bithwa on an empty stomach in the morning and do not eat anything for two hours.

 Use celery in food

 Cut a medium-sized raw papaya into small pieces and separate the seeds. Boil these pieces in two liters of water for 5 to 7 minutes. Add a spoonful of green tea leaves to this water. Drink tea two to three times a day.  drink like.


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