Which battle is riskier, the old or the new?

 Do you believe that earlier conflicts, in which all parties engage in combat, were more terrible than current conflicts?

I'd much rather take part in a battle from long ago. I would choose a weapon from the Middle Ages or Ancient Greece if I were to battle.

risk of death

Actual combat in historical conflicts involving swords and shields was not particularly lethal. It was challenging to murder people in a well-trained army's tight formations. Armies would engage in combat and suffer few casualties until one side gave way. The majority of the casualties would occur along the next path.

Death was not as common in these fights as you might initially believe. An army was considered to have incurred 10% losses (dead and injured).It was a serious setback. 25% in one fight effectively rendered that army inoperable, and anything close to 50% is disastrous.

Compared to participating in the Verdun or Russian Military during World War 2,

Do you want to know how long a man could expect to live in the trenches during World War One? 6 weeks.

Those guys in the background of this photo are fairly secure. Those in the back are presumably doing OK, whilst those in the front may be having a difficult day. The same is true of modern armies, when the majority of personnel guard airfields or oil trucks. However, whatever you do on a modern battlefield is perilous given the presence of bombers, sophisticated artillery, and sniper weapons.

how you go out

You could be stabbed or sliced open during ancient battles—neither of these outcomes is enjoyable.

You had a chance to protect yourself if you engaged in hand-to-hand fighting because you could see when you were being assaulted. You would die if you lost, but you would pass away quickly.

In contemporary warfare, your legs could be blown off at any moment. If a sniper shoots you in the neck, you could start to bleed to death. You simply sit there, knowing that an invisible bullet moving at 1200 feet per second could take your life at any moment.

What kind of stress would that cause? being aware that your life could end at any time. When fighting in the past, Compare that to ancient warfare, where you were generally secure if you stayed in the back.

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