Will Russia's action have any legal and moral status?

 Russia-Ukraine conflict

Putin issues proclamations declaring Zaporizhia and Kherson independent

In a significant escalation of the conflict, Putin declared the territories of Ukraine to be "independent," and he will conduct a solemn ceremony in Moscow.

As Moscow gets ready to legally declare the annexation of Ukrainian territory in a significant uptick in its seven-month invasion, Russian President Vladimir Putin has declared the "independence" of the Ukrainian provinces Zaporizhia and Kherson.

In presidential decrees released late on Thursday, Putin stated, "I order the recognition of the state sovereignty and independence" of Zaporizhia and Kherson in southern Ukraine.

UN head slams Russia's proposed annexation as having "no legal value."

Following hurriedly-convened referendums in the Russian-occupied regions, which claimed majorities of up to 99 percent in favour of joining Russia, the two regions are scheduled to be incorporated into Russia alongside the self-declared republics of Donetsk and Luhansk at a lavish ceremony in the Kremlin on Friday. In February, Putin acknowledged Donetsk and Luhansk's "independence."

The ceremony will begin at 3 p.m. local time (12:00 p.m. GMT) in the columned Georgievsky Hall of the Grand Kremlin Palace, where marble plaques with gold engraving honour Russian military heroes, eight years after Russia annexed Crimea from Ukraine after an invasion and a similar vote.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres used unusually harsh rhetoric when he told reporters in New York City that Russia's annexation would be against the UN Charter and have "no legal value."

Russia's action, according to Guterres, "has no place in the modern world" and is "a hazardous escalation" of the crisis that started on February 24.

It must not be approved, he insisted.

Before having another discussion over the leaks found in the Nord Stream gas pipeline, the UN Security Council is scheduled to meet on Friday.

According to the AFP news agency, the US and Albania have been collaborating on a resolution that "condemns the Russian Federation's organisation of illegal so-called referenda" in Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhia, and Kherson, claiming they "have no legality." Additionally, it will demand that Russia leave Ukraine immediately and without conditions.

Given that Russia has a veto in the security council, attention will be focused on both India's and China's reactions as well as a later vote in the General Assembly.

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