Are any Chinese weapons making an appearance in Ukraine?

 Are any Chinese weapons making an appearance in Ukraine?

Yes, much to the dismay of Russia. The budget for the Russian military's wheeled vehicles included 16 million tyres of military quality. However, they pocketed the difference after purchasing 16 million el cheapo Chinese Yellow Sea YS-20 tyres for around one-fourth the cost. Many vehicles had multiple flat tyres when they failed, or the mud just peeled the tyres off the rims. This is a key factor in how the Ukrainians managed to seize so many wheels, including the expensive Pantsir air defence system.
There are literally hundreds of images of totally intact Russian automobiles, with the exception of tyres or empty fuel tanks. Heck, the US acquired six undamaged Pantsir systems from the Ukraine purposes, all in perfect working order.
When the Second Russo-Ukrainian War is chronicled in history, corruption and its consequences, such as flat, but inexpensive tyres, will bear a large portion of the blame for the Russian disasters in Kyiv and Kharkiv.


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