What is the opinion of the world about America Russia China?

 The Cambridge University report, in its key finding, states that the region is divided into blocs: liberal and illiberal blocs that represent essential divisions.  It is surprising that most of the population is within what Cambridge calls the illiberal bloc.


  The document states that 1.2 billion people live within the liberal bloc while 6.3 billion people make up the so-called illiberal circle.  And this is where we catch the changing criticisms of the US, China and Russia.

  The record shows that within the liberal bloc, the US is in a stronger position than ever before.  So, 75% of this 1.2 billion liberal population have a bad view of China, while 83% have a terrible view of Russia.

  But unexpected claims are made when looking through the bottom line, considering 6.3 billion human beings.  Of these 6.3 billion people, 70% feel positively about China because of its growing influence, love for humanity, and its mutual well-being.

  It is not easy for China to get a majority of the guide, but Russia still floats on the ground after the war in Ukraine.  About 66 percent of the 6.3 billion people genuinely look up to Russia, bettering the mentality previously held by the West.  But the US feels the pressure as China beats it in elections in developing countries around the world.

  According to the Cambridge document, for the first time in history, 62 percent of people in developing international locations like China.  The U.S. is honestly lagging behind by a margin of 1 percentage point in obtaining 61 percent of the useful resources from the developing world's population.

  But why is that?  Why are countries respecting China more than America?  Well, the answer is how China has cooperated with these countries.  Even if we think that China's Belt and Road Initiative dominates the region, we have little idea that 4.6 billion people are benefiting from it.  This is why 62% of people in the developing world want to cooperate with China more than the US.

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