Hussain and the Revolution

 "Husain and the Revolution


 Hazrat Josh


   Don't ask this fable

   Do not ask about the grief of two days of life

   Don't ask bitterness whether life belongs to the earth

   Do not ask how horrible this story is

   In detail, the stars began to tremble

   Hell also began to cover its face with extreme shame


   Every happiness in the world is equal to sorrow and pain

   There is a tear in every laugh

   What is the job of the khaar and khas?

   Nook Khar is also present in Nasreen and Nastaran

   The songs are heart touching

   Till the Gulbarg is carrying brush daggers


   Yaran Sarfrosh and Nigaran Meh Jabin

   Ab Nishat, Laal, Lip, and Zulf amber

   Koy Maghan and Boye Gul and Roye Dilnishin

   Strength, weight, intelligence, mind, wealth and earth

   There is excitement, he took the side of pain

   Every gem is filled with tears


   Man's desire is limitless

   There is a fresh quest in every complicated look

   It does not stop anywhere

   The grace of the butler is that he does not fill up

   There is no destination in the highway of Armaan

   There is no shore of this boundless sea


   May God bless you for this

   Every loach is a bow, every name an arrow

   Even in his grace, there is that heat, we are Safir

   Compared to which hell is Zam Harir

   Confused gamblers in the trap of gasoy peaches

   Let there be a fire in the North Pole


   One's old age is due to diseases

   One's youth is ruined by pain

   He is afraid of the name

   No one is tired of sustenance, no one is tired of love

   Every breath is a harbinger of great doom

   Two decades of fear, God is merciful


   What can I say about the pains of this bloody life?

   No power, what can I say?

   What can I say about the rewards of the universe?

   What should I say about this story?

   If I say it, the fountain of blood will boil from the heart

   And if I kept quiet, the kidneys came out of my mouth


   It is up to mankind not to ask for punishment

   Don't ask the cruelty of brutal life

   Don't ask for mercy or coercion

   Don't ask how much friend you are

   A hundred years of autumn, then two days of spring

   The sacrifices of the crowd of mercy of the Lord


   Thus, grief is not the source of livelihood

   Suffering is a sign of love

   The lips are thirsty, and the punishment is autumn

   The declaration of truth is but a story

   Speech should be truthful

   Let the letter of truth be exalted (Saib


   Yes, no call is bigger than this call

   Does he not have the knowledge on which it is written?

   The hulls of the boats are not too often broken

   There is nothing wrong with the declaration of Immortal Truth

   Let those who commit guiltless themselves into guilt come

   In this way, whoever ties his head with a shroud will come


   Suffering from growth and delay in propagation

   This circle is the circle of death

   Here, the lightnings crackle on the heads

   Istakhwan starts speaking from Bar Ulm

   May the face of life be seen at every step

   Whoever wants to die should declare the truth


   How can one leave dear traditions?

   There are some games that don't tell stories

   The solutions that were in the ghati leave those thoughts

   Mother's disposition should leave father's habits

   Leave any illusions with anyone

   Those who have been inherited should break the name


   The harp of illusion is the organ of wisdom

   The charm of obsolescence is the trap of traditions

   The reflection of sayings is the jinn of stories

   Customs, traditions, heritage, generations and generations

   Alas, this is the circle of thought

   From which it is impossible for adults to get out


   Ignorance was mentioned in this verse

   Even the senses of self-knowledge do not survive

   Illusions when playing in the hearts circle

   The intellect does not understand except for dance

   History revolves in the swarm of myths

   Old people also dance in the crowd of young people


   The circle in which there is short circumambulation

   No one forgives the "crime" of innovation

   Cover the minds of corrupted customs

   Who raised his voice against ignorance there?

   Raise your voice and wish for death

   Otherwise, he has the opportunity to discuss here


   There is a revolution in the society

   He gets the title of apostate and heretic

   At first, Sheikh and Shab show him the eye

   If he does not keep silent on this, then the nation will be blamed

   Cruelty increases and what has been stopped is taken away

   They were humiliated, taunted and insulted


   There is a rumor that this Zandiq is useless

   Perverted thoughts, perverted views, perverted morals and perverted so-called

   Mischief is spreading in the moral world

   O masters of the spirit of long-standing jihad

   Yea, arise quickly for the destruction of vanity

   Paradise is for the murderer of such a person


   And especially when faced with the government

   Faced with terror and glory

   Facing the terror of Shahan Kaj Kala

   Facing Qorana, Tabal, Nawak and Rayat

   He is in millions, he is one in crores

   The one who shows stability at this time is a man


   And especially when every entrance is closed

   Truth is a thirsty lip, false lips are in the desert, Euphrates

   The caste of Huzan and children in death

   Take one night between life and death

   This is the hour when the lion's heart trembles

   This threat needs a superhuman heart


   That night of Karbala, that darkness is scary

   That life in the shadow of immense death

   That gaping hole in front of the tentacles

   He died in silence from a distance

   She was bent over from time to time

   The breath of Earth and Sama was as if stopped


   He is a short soldier in the thirst of Ahl al-Haq

   That crowd of falsehood that Allah's refuge

   He was the seal of Zahra in the darkness

   Those eyes are bent with extreme sadness

   Those hearts are extinguished, those winds are stilled

   He fixed his eyes on the brother of a sister


   From libreez zehar joor he is the desert of the desert

   Those hearts that are showing, those burning minds

   The scars of hearts are visible from the pupils of the eyes

   In the deep darkness, they are a lamp

   Scattered in the air, those gass of the Prophet

   He shed tears in the light of the stars


   That night, that Euphrates, that disturbance of the waves

   The burden of unemployment on Abid's shoulders

   The dignity of women under the influence of earthquakes

   Asghar's echo in the swing again and again

   Asghar had no trace of anxiety

   The heart of the Holy Prophet was beating


   That night when Imam's voice was heard

   O friends of Sadiq and friends of Basfa

   There is no other step left

   Now we face death and only death

   They are calling now from below and above

   Go what you want, go with passion


   And as soon as he heard this, he became anxious

   The Ansar gave this answer to Shabir

   Look at this dream, O Ibn Butrab

   By Allah, let me be ashamed

   Don't be a sacrifice on your attributes

   Curse this peace and luxury, curse this life


   Do you think this is Shah Zee Hashem?

   We are the captives of profit and profit

   You will see for yourself that you will drive when you step

   If we move away, we will not move from the plains

   We are thin, we are Hadid's figure, we are Sung's

   The mountains are not the battlefield


   Yes, yes, that night was a night of terror and terror

   The night of spell killing and talisman Qaza

   The night of Lip Tshangan Zareet Mustafa

   The night of Karbala which was greater than fate

   Shabbir made the title of Hayat

   That night also made the seal shine


   History is giving this voice

   The desert is stability and determination, the desert calls for grief

   By the patience of Christ and the courage of Socrates

   There is only one human step in this path

   In whose veins there is fire and anger

   The Surma whose name is Grami Hussain


   Hussain (a.s.) who had the temperament of prophethood

   Hussain (a.s.) was the inheritor of the conscience of the Prophet

   Hussain (a.s.) who was a solitary witness of power

   Hussain (a.s.) whose existence was the pride of Allah

   To mold the universe

   Who used to weigh life on the tip of the tongue


   Hussain, who was a sign of thirst quenching

   Hussain (A.S.) was the sign of Arsh on Giti

   Hussain (a.s.) who was the noble youth of Khald

   Hussain (a.s.) was the founder of a modern age

   Whose blood was taken away

   In every drop was Noah's storm


   Hussain (AS) was the leader of the caravan of determination

   Hussain, who was floating in his own blood

   Hussain (a.s.) was a pioneer of a new religion

   Hussain (a.s.) was the arbiter of Karbala

   On whose eyes was the orbit of Shiva Haq

   Who was the spirit of revolution


   Yes, Hussain, who is still the tower of greatness

   Hussain (a.s.) whose eyes are the government of death

   Hussain (a.s.) who still teaches rebellion

   Hussain (as) is the proof of Adam's nobility

   The only example is the Great Slaughter

   Shahid is the joke of "God".


   Yes, Hussain (a.s.) whose steadfastness is eternal

   He says this to sages everywhere

   That is, within the veil of the hundred-colored universe

   A working mind is a conscious being

   It pulls from prostrations towards the "Masjud".

   Alone which is a pointer to "God".


   Whose existence means justice and equality

   The one who did peace, the Prophet s.a.w. Jihad

   Eliminate all corruption in the custody of life

   A trust of nature is a treasure whose memory

   The heart is burning like blood

   One is still coming out of the ground


   On the honor of the one who sacrificed his head and died

   Truth and hypocrisy were separated and breathed

   Haq died by giving the crown of eternity

   Who died by annihilating Yazidism

   Tribulations extinguished the heart that was fond of it

   Who extinguished the lamp of wealth and vanity


   This experiment has been done continuously in the world

   The force of life has been the knot

   Visibility's head has always been bowed

   The death of weakness is the face of strength

   Strength was a thing but shame and misfortune

   How strange was the impotence of Hussain


   The power that turned the object into dust

   A coup d'état brought down the government

   Who blew terror on the air

   From the stumble that brought down the bureaucracy

   In this way, the oppression became black

   The word Yazid was cursed


   It has been three days without water

   Handed over the blade and the axe, who destroyed the house

   Who died in the name of honor of conscience

   Bowed down in humiliation, but not the head

   Who took the breath by breaking the royal relationship

   The one who twisted the wrist of death


   On whose cheek is the crown of his own blood

   Which is a one-sided combination of life and death

   Gave cold but did not pay tribute to cruelty

   Whose blood kept the lodge of all the prophets

   No one listens to honesty in Dahar

   The male salesman kept God's word


   Every few jurors wanted it repeatedly

   Remember the martyrs of Karbala

   No name of Hussain (as) remained on earth

   But no one's strength could go on

   Bathed in the blood of Abbas Namur

   The knowledge of Hussainiyyah is still open


   This is the morning of the revolution that is today

   This is what is happening, Saba is bursting

   Take this lamp of oppression

   This is Hussain's death cry

   These friends are freed from the truth

   This is also the voice of Jari, friends


   Which was crowded with pain and knowledge

   The chest was swollen and the liver was swollen

   The smoke of thirst was on the side and the heart was numb

   Even in this suffering who only had this idea

   If fire is raining, then rain on Khayyam

   Fire could not come but in the name of truth


   Not every branch was green in the grass

   The head was sweaty, there was no sweat on the lips

   There was no response to these calls of falsehood

   It was a judgment, not a prophet

   The color of the government's slogan has faded

   The determination was the good determination of the Lord


   He was responsible for the dead body of his family

   The body of Ansar Sarfrosh is the body of relatives

   Body of Mujahid Tegh Azma from Abbas

   Shahzada Gulgun Qabaki body from Qasim

   Still, this tune was not to be blown by the gusts of patience

   With the fear that Haq's funeral will go out


   Desperate, thirsty, wounded, and helpless

   He stood alone among millions

   He was surrounded by arrows and axes

   And he was sleeping on his deathbed

   It was not so much that the right works with association

   If they start to fall, someone should hold them


   Yes, Hussain (a.s.) is tired, injured and weak

   He stood still among the corpses

   He was listening calmly

   The hiccups of youth stopped months from Akbar

   The voice of Hai Hai was coming from the universe

   Still, do not deviate from the path of stability


   Yes, O Hussain, thirsty and suffering, peace be upon him

   Peace be upon you

   Oh, the candle of Ashura night

   Peace be upon you

   Oh, the thirsty banks of the Euphrates

   O grandson of the last "Prophet" Tere Nisar


   Yes, O Hussain Bex and peace be upon him

   Peace be upon you, O killers of love

   O mourning helper and Ansar al-Salam

   Peace be upon you, Lord of the caravan of the dead

   Alas, Hussain, who was expelled from the homeland

   O Hussain, raised by the lap of Fatima


   And the sword on your throat

   Zanjeer and Abid are ill

   Zainab's head is open

   Your head and the court of Yazid

   This is how humans descend to anger

   God's curse on Ibn Ziyad till the end


   Who is your martyr in the world O Hussain?

   So there is in every vision O Hussain

   You are not sad, O Hussain

   We are also silent in the circle of mourning, O Hussain

   Free in thought and word

   They are also captives in the clutches of the Tri Zulfs


   Thus, within the history of employment

   Wealth is incalculable, gems are innumerable

   But you exist, O man of truth

   A unique monument of human determination

   Time is waiting for you from far away

   So there is a high number of years and cities


   The color and smell of Tafsir in this garden

   Thus, there is a lot of discussion on every approach

   But please listen to the secret of wisdom

   There is only one word to be said in the world

   A solitary claim to masculinity

   So, the heart of the chest of life is healthy


   O leader, khajusta and O leader of courage

   So the pride of memory is the pride of history

   That server is still there

   Loh Jabeen is wrong at the time of Moj Noor

   That is the seal of office on determination and stability

   Until now, it has been shining on the back of life


   Yes, Hussain (a.s.) Ibn Ali (a.s.) the leader of Anam

   O life-giving pulpit of self

   O speech of the most sacred names of life

   Oh, the wheel of the revolution, the youth of the revolution

   Gaza is your lifeblood of the universe

   Every drop is a "Mountain of Light" of Taj Hayat


   He was surrounded by the sea of ​​cruelty

   If it descends on a mountain, it becomes water

   The soul color and smell should not be clouded in the chest

   Blood began to drip from the iron essences

   The beetles burned in hell till the ice

   The sweat of fire also dripped from the forehead


   Oh naked dagger and oh naked blade

   O righteous Imam

   O message of Khursheed in the darkness of the sky

   Oh, the sky is full of teachings

   The darkness of the evening remains over the religion

   There would be no morning on earth


   Then the truth is Aftab Lip Bam O Hussain

   Then Kahram O Hussain is in water and mud

   Then life is a slow and light walk O Husain

   Then Hurriyet is the accused O Hussain

   Tastes of corruption and evil have taken over

   Then there are the figures of the new age with daggers


   Yes, Khatam Hayat is eternally naked

   If there is a seal on the neck

   If there is a living distance between the world and the world

   Konin's imagination is promising

   Then the desert war is waiting for you

   Arise, O Lord of fresh days


   Majroh is again the slogan of justice and equality

   In this 20th century, there is another side chaos

   Then Naib Yazid is the city of the world

   Then Karbala is suffering from mankind

   O life, give glory to the East

   Give Azam Hussain to this fresh Karbala too


   Then the riot market is hot, friends

   Capital is back again friends

   So this fear is few and many friends

   Sword Yes, you are a sword, friends

   Whichever is faster by licking blood

   Keep the mountains of crops and crops


   Bills are being eaten in Dahar again

   The chords of grief are resounding in the dome

   Then death is holding the garden

   May the sky be high, O fire of life

   Put temptation in the cradle of your flame

   Yes, blow the Qabai Emirate


   O friends, by the waters of the Euphrates

   Regarding the quenching of the Prophet's thirst

   Regarding the flow of Shabir's blood

   Akbar's unfinished youth

   Work with rising young aspirations

   Yes, hold on to Hussain's feet


   Constitution is the adornment of the world

   Every step is a Badr, every breath is a Hunain.

   Keep up the good work

   There is lightning in the chest, on the tongue, Yahsin


   You are Haidari, tear the chest of the dragon

   Tear down the door of this modern Khyber


   Keep up the good work

   Every stroke is tremendous

   That army was oppressed and inclined to avoid

   O blood and warm, O pulse and fast

   The monster of cruelty is trembling and cannot find its mother

   The giant is panting for mischief


   This is not the time to delay

   Time is giving a voice, grow, grow

   Youth is on the fence. Let's grow

   Thunder like thunder and rain

   Yes, the roar of a wounded lion, friends

   Zulfikar's jingle jingle friends


   Go forth, ye bearers of fire

   Oh followers of Shah Shaheed, let's go!

   Oh conquerors sir Sarutofan, let's grow

   O gentlemen of courage, let's go!

   Sword, bark into the chest of Shamar Asr

   Yes, throw it, throw Yazid into hell


   Look, that is the end, the limit of cruelty, let's grow

   It's time to help yourself, grow up

   There is honor in growing. Let's grow

   He has eternal life in front of him, let's grow

   Stay upside down and keep your sleeves up

   If the sleeve is upside down, turn the earth over


   O Successor Haider Karar al-Madd

   O the leader of the caravans of the Manchals

   Oh, the warmth of truth, helper

   O sex-buyer of life's aid

   Duniya Tri Nazir was martyred

   The candle is still standing

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