Wisdom of the Wolf


 A Legacy of Survival and Strength

When you've lived as long as I have in these parts, you learn a thing or two about the wolf way of life. These pups nowadays don't know how good they've got it - back in my day, we really had to work for our dinners! https://bcgame.top/i-2648532dk-n/

I remember when I was just a young wolf, still learning the ways of the pack. My father taught me important lessons - which prey was easiest to catch, how to track animals without being seen myself, and most importantly, never to eat anything that's already dead. "Only hunt the living," he'd say. "It's the circle of life, and we're all responsible for keeping this ecosystem balanced." I didn't really comprehend it at the time, but his advice has proven useful throughout the years. Knowing I had someone by my side has always provided me with comfort. I was fortunate to find a companion, and we remained together through thick and thin, in sickness and in health, just as the ancient tales promised. It wasn't always easy, especially during the severe winters, but our closeness helped us get through. Losing her a few seasons back was almost more than I could bear... But the pups have been a blessing, keeping me company in my old age. 

Speaking of, I try to impart what I've learned to the new generations. My daughter now leads the pack with great skill, and I couldn't be prouder. I still pop in with advice now and then, especially for the little ones just branching out on their own. It fills my heart with joy to see the young ones develop and thrive, carrying on our traditions for future generations. And I know that when my time comes, I will be able to rest well knowing that the wolf's future is in capable hands.


The days may pass by faster now, but I'll always cherish what a miracle it is to be a wolf. Our intelligence and community set us apart, that's for sure. I just hope these pups can hold on to the true ways before too long... The wild is where we wolves belong. ✨for more related visit https://tanzomazaa.blogspot.com/?m=1 

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