World Religions *

  World Religions and meditation

 There are four major religions in the world.  Christianity, Buddhism, Islam and Hinduism.  Meditation has a prominent place in the teachings of all these religions or in the lives of their founders.  The meditation of Jesus has been mentioned in the context of Christianity.  Jesus also said:

 "The kingdom of God is within you, seek it within yourself."

 Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) meditated (meditation) for forty nights.

 We have described the meditation of Ghar Hira in Islam and the life of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH).

 Bhagavad Gita is the holy book of the people of India.  The Gita records the conversations between Sri Krishnaji and Raja Arjuna that Arjuna had with Krishnaji before the Mahabharata war.  And Sri Krishnaji answered them according to Bhagavad Gita.

 Raja Arjuna asked Krishnaji.

 "You talk about gaining control over the mind (meditation), you talk about knowing yourself, but I find my mind very scattered."

 Sri Krishnaji said.

 What you are saying is correct.  But by adopting the proper means, adopting the practice of meditation and constant meditation, the scattered mind can be united."

 Yoga is derived from Hinduism.  Two thousand three hundred years ago, "Pata Nijali Maharshi" presented the philosophy of yoga in his book "Yogasutra".  Yoga practices include details about exercises for physical health and "meditation" for activating spiritual faculties.

 Yoga is a Sanskrit word.  Which means "meeting" or "meeting".

 Asana means "to sit".

 Yoga Sutra refers to exercise.

 There are 84 yoga asanas.  Most yoga postures are determined by observing the movements of animals.

 Yoga exercises increase the immune system of the body against physical diseases and cause fertility in the soul.

 Meditation also has a prominent place in the life of the Buddha.  When the Buddha bade farewell to his kingdom and set out in search of knowledge and truth, he did severe austerities for six years and finally sat in meditation under a thick tree at the place of Gaya.  The Buddha spent 40 consecutive days in search of truth.  Demonic forces appeared in various forms to disturb you but you persevered.  According to tradition, you got enlightenment on the forty-ninth night.  And the light of knowledge appeared.  Among the eight basic points mentioned in the Buddha's teachings, the eighth point is purity of thought and meditation.

 Book: Meditation

 Author: Khawaja Shamsuddin Azimi

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