the revolutionary mao

 How did Mao prevent workers from revolting during the Cultural Revolution?

Mao did not stop the workers' uprising, but actively supported and guided it.

Wang Hongwen was the leader of the 400,000 workers' uprising in Shanghai, and the highest position is vice-chairman of the Central Committee of the CPC.

He is very young and can be said to be one of the first young cadres in the rejuvenation of PRC cadres. If we follow this logic, the rejuvenation of the PRC cadre did not start in the 1980s.

He was not as ignorant and incompetent as history portrays him, which only depicts him as a foolish, Simple-minded, playboy who only drank and hunted; on the contrary, he was highly respected among workers brothers and had strong organizational skills.

 At the age of 16, he fought in the Korean War, which was called the "meat grinder", and was promoted to platoon leader without being wounded, which shows that he was very brave and smart.

 Organizing an uprising of 400,000 workers in Shanghai is not something that people without ability can do, at least not for us ordinary people.

 I think most people can imagine that if he was incapable, he could not have been appreciated by Mao Zedong, or at least he should have been much more capable than Tsai Ing-wen of Taiwan.

 I have not heard his original voice, but according to guess, he should have strong language ability in public speech.

 At the age of 16, he became a soldier of the Chinese Volunteer Army and participated in the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea;At the age of 17, he joined the CPC;At the age of 21, he was demobilized and assigned to work in the 17th Shanghai National Cotton Factory.Because of his excellent work and good people skills, he was promoted to cadre and became the security director of the Shanghai State Cotton 17 Factory at the age of 25.During the Cultural Revolution, he was 31 years old and was valued by Mao Zedong because he showed strong organizational skills.Later, he became one of the leaders of the "CPC Central Cultural Revolution Leading Group", commonly known as the "Gang of Four".At the age of 57 , he "died of illness" in prison. According to the memoirs of Qiu Huizuo (邱會作), a member of the Lin Biao clique who is also a fellow inmate, Vice Chairman Wang Hongwen is often handcuffed and handcuffed in prison, and when he was interrogated, doctors injected him with stimulants and exposed him to strong light, making him unable to rest all day and night and mentally tortured. This may be the reason for his premature death.

The history of the Cultural Revolution is convoluted, hazy, and unclear. Many old documents haven't been made available to the public.

In other words, the military generals won and the younger cadres were defeated.

Marxism-Leninism, according to a statement made by Mao, is the CPC's founding doctrine.

Mao belonged to the CPC.

Mao's revolution began with joining the CPC.

Mao dedicated his entire life to creating a functional CPC.

The working class is Marxism-sole Leninism's main protagonist.

It might be claimed that Mao's goal was to create a socialist system in which the working class controls all aspects of society and is the owner of the home.

The description of Mao given above is common knowledge and not obscure or enigmatic.

In order to transform the PRC into a junta and give the working class leadership over China instead of military generals who had risen through the ranks through war, Mao envisaged the transfer of state power to the younger generation.

However, the youth were powerless over the influence they held, and they had no one else to point the finger at. After all, military generals waged a bloody and violent battle to establish the PRC, thus it makes sense that

the military generals are reluctant to give up their power.

  History is written by the victors. Legitimacy belongs to the victor; The winner is right while the loser is wrong.

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