Ukraine: a modern-day Afghanistan? If not, why not?

 Ukraine: a modern-day Afghanistan? If not, why not?

For three very evident reasons, Ukraine doesn't have the potential to become Afghanistan.

Ukraine is a conflict between two contemporary national armies, whereas Afghanistan in the 1980s was an insurgency focused on rural civilians. An invasion supported by international powers and a rural-civilian insurgency were both used in 2001 to fight the Taliban. The Ukrainian national army will use the weapons that NATO is providing to Ukraine (at least, we think). Although it wasn't the best plan, many of the weaponry that the West pumped into Afghanistan ended up in the hands of regular Afghans. The Ukrainian army lacks the expertise and training necessary to function as an insurgent fighting force.

The Soviet Union never sent enough troops to Afghanistan to end the war.they were unable to effectively subdue or overpower the Afghan insurgency, and they gradually started to pull back as the war got worse and received domestic criticism. Putin's "special operations" group is sizable and has made success without the aid of recruits. Additionally, no one in Putin's orbit is vocally advocating for the conflict to end. Until Putin believes he has accomplished his objectives, the conflict will carry on and all resources will be employed. Whether they like it or not, Putin's inner circle concurs with whatever he says.

Lastly, a national flag is flown above the battle by the Ukrainian army. Afghan warlords used their own private troops and flags to battle the Soviets and later the Taliban. This is why putting out a detailed plan to conquer Afghanistan has proven so challenging. Rarely is the chain of command uniform. In many cases, warlords were more powerful & influential than the national army. Each faction and warlord would need to be eliminated one at a time. Something that is far simpler to say than to do Russia is rumoured to have a plan to destroy the united army of Ukraine. Will it work or not? is the query we're waiting for an answer to.

(Warlords of afghnistan Abdul Rashid Dostum, Panjshir, Ahmad Shah Massoud, and Herat, Muhammad Ismail Khan)

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