You are on your own now. Arnold Shiwazanger said to his son


When Joseph graduated from college, his famous father Arnold had some important words for him. Arnold, who's worth lots of money, told Joseph "You're on your own now." This meant Arnold wouldn't be giving Joseph any more financial help.

Joseph is only 26 years old. Even so, he's carved out a job as a real estate helper here in Los Angeles all on his own. He must work hard to show how independent and determined he is. But his real dream is to be a bodybuilder, just like his dad! When he's not working in real estate, Joseph keeps training hard to reach this goal.

Now that the money from his dad has stopped, Joseph only earns what he makes from his job. But this challenge of not relying on anyone else is something he's embracing. He wants to make his own name in both real estate and fitness through his own efforts. Staying focused on his dreams, I'm sure Joseph will achieve great things through his hard work and determination!

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