Bernie Sanders Leads Fight to Halt US $20 billion Weapons Sales to Israel, Advocates for Gaza Relief


Senator Bernie Sanders wants to stop over $20 billion in weapon sales to Israel. He hopes this will help end the fighting in Gaza and save lives.

The senator cares deeply about the people in Gaza. Over 41,000 people have died there since the violence got really bad last year. Senator Sanders wrote a letter to his fellow senators saying, "We can't let this disaster keep happening." He wants America to think hard about how its support affects innocent people.

The proposals would stop big military sales. This includes advanced missile systems, special tank bullets, and fighter jets. Senator Sanders thinks these weapons make the destruction in Gaza much worse. He wants America to rethink military support if it leads to so much harm.  

Getting the proposals passed will be difficult. The Senate is split on this issue. Many lawmakers strongly back Israel. But Senator Sanders is determined to send a message to Congress and Israel's government. He wants them to understand the consequences of their military actions.

Senator Sanders plans to use a process that allows quick Senate votes on stopping arms sales. This could help more voices calling for peace and accountability be heard.

As the week begins, Senator Sanders invites everyone to reflect on how America's foreign policy affects others. His plans are about more than just halting weapons - he wants an important discussion on values and our role in the world. During tense times, voices for peace are so important. The senator hopes his proposals can shape better US-Israel ties and address Gaza's urgent needs. ✨

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