Is Ukrainian Neptune Missile Capable of a 1000km Range?


The Truth About Ukrainian Neptune Missile Range

The claim that Ukraine's Neptune missile has a 1000km range is incorrect and misleading. 

As Natalia, a defense reporter in Kyiv, I've been trying to separate fact from fiction when it comes to information about weapons online. This one about the Neptune missile's range just didn't add up. After making some calls to sources, here's what I've learned:

- The Neptune was designed as an anti-ship missile, intended to defend Ukraine's coastline. Military documents show its official range is around 280-300km, which is still substantial. 

- It seems the 1000km number started circulating on social media. Maybe there was a misunderstanding or lost in translation. Without credible evidence, we reporters need to be careful repeating unverified claims. 

- Inflating the missile's capabilities could do more harm than good. It risks fueling tensions unnecessarily at a time when the chances for conflict are already too high. Policymakers base critical decisions on information like this.

Even here in Kyiv, rumors spread quickly online. As journalists, it's our job to slow down, check multiple trustworthy sources, and report only what we can confirm is true. Lives could depend on getting the facts right during volatile times like these.

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