Israeli General Warns of Dire Consequences for Netanyahu's Policies


Retired General's Stark Warning: Netanyahu's Policies Could Lead to Collapse of Israel

Retired Israeli Army General Yitzhak Brik said:

Netanyahu knows that continuing this process will lead to the collapse of the State of Israel militarily, economically, politically and socially.Even if Hamas and Hezbollah continue to fight as they do today, without military surprises, the “state of Israel” will collapse .Netanyahu knows full well that we have been in a military stalemate for the last twenty years .The chiefs of staff divided the army into six divisions based on their global vision that the major wars were over.They built a small ground army that could barely fight in one sector; in a regional war we would have to fight in six sectors at once.Netanyahu also knows that this situation has led to dire consequences in the war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip.Hamas returned to areas where the army had entered and left in the Gaza Strip .The army's intention to continue the war of attrition against Hamas through raids does not bring any benefit, because these attacks are just a drop in the bucket that weakens Hamas.Netanyahu is well aware that as long as the war of attrition against Hamas continues, Hezbollah will also continue to deplete our forces on the northern border , and this has very dangerous consequences.Netanyahu also understands that entering Rafah will not bring any results, but on the contrary, since it will worsen the problem tenfold. entry into Rafah will completely destroy our relations with the countries of the world and with the Arab countries with which we have peace. This will have very dire consequences, first of all, the isolation of the “State of Israel” in the political and economic spheres and the arms embargo, which has already begun. was already well prepared to enter the battle and prepared a strategic ambush for us with traps and explosives in the streets, squares and in the houses themselves.for more visit 

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