What are shooting stars and meteors?

Describe meteors and shooting stars

Since ancient times, the mysterious lines of light that adorn the night sky have enthralled us with their fleeting beauty, inspiring a myriad of wants and stimulating our imaginations. But what are these heavenly occurrences specifically like? Or are they something quite different, such as shooting stars or meteors?

The only thing that separates meteors from shooting stars is how we see them.

Imagine a little stone traveling across space at extremely high speeds. It faces opposition when it gets closer to Earth's atmosphere, warms up, and becomes radiant. Meteors are these fiery rocks that are hurtling across the sky.

! It will appear as a brief show if you are fortunate enough to see this brilliant spectacle.http://surl.li/prttl 

If you are lucky enough to see this blazing show, it will appear as a short flash of light, also called a shooting star. Because of this, you can say with pride the next time you see one that you saw a meteor turn into a shooting star.http://surl.li/prtxd 

When a shooting star falls into the night sky, have you ever wondered what happens? A few of these space pebbles seem to be heavy enough to withstand their fiery ascent into the atmosphere. As they impact the Earth's surface, they transform into meteorites, which are actual space debris that we can physically view and study to learn more about the origins of the solar system.

Remember that shooting stars are more than just stunning lights the next time you gaze up at the night sky.http://surl.li/qjbgf

With a view into the vastness and wonder of the universe, they are the remains of celestial bodies. Perhaps even a meteor changing into a shooting star in front of your eyes will be visible to you!

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