Do you know how much does a cloud weigh?

Those fluffy white giants are not to be taken lightly! Clouds may be very powerful, despite their appearance as wispy cotton candy in the sky. Picture a million pounds of water droplets—that's around five hundred thousand elephants' worth of weight! The interesting part, though, is that despite their weight, they survive by using a few cunning manoeuvres.

Consider clouds as little water balloons floating inside a massive air bubble. Because each droplet is so tiny and dispersed, it may remain suspended in the smallest wind. It feels as though they are being supported by a million tiny parachutes!

That being said, not every cloud is made equally. Certain cloud formations, such as the flimsy cirrus clouds, resemble extremely thin snowflakes. Some have a lot more weight and are more akin to water bombs, such as the massive cumulonimbus clouds that produce lightning.

Hence, the next time you gaze up at the sky, keep in mind that those puffy clouds are genuinely magnificent natural phenomena that are maintaining equilibrium between their own weight and the surrounding air. One million pounds of water right there in the form of an elephant-shaped cloud! Who knows?

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