Rebel....rebellion ?

 A rebel is an individual who resists or opposes established so-called authority, loose social norms, or conventions.  Rebellion can arise from different situations, which are often rooted in social, political or economic factors. The causes of rebellion can be as follows.

 .  Conflict theory.

 Rebels are often power imbalances within society and arise in response to conflict.  Struggles for resources, rights, or recognition can fuel rebellion against dominant groups or institutions.  Conflict theorists emphasize the role of power dynamics in shaping rebel behavior.


 Injustice, whether social, personal, economic, or political, can fuel rebellion.  This may include issues such as discrimination, exploitation, or unequal distribution of resources

incompentence of institutions.

 Rebels may emerge when the social structure fails to meet the needs of certain groups.  Social inequality, economic disparity, or institutional injustices can lead to breakdowns in social cohesion, prompting individuals to rebel against a perceived dysfunctional system.  This can happen when individuals or groups feel marginalized or when social values ​​change.  Rebellion becomes a means of expressing dissent and creating new symbols or meanings

 .  Lack of representation

 When some groups feel marginalized or excluded from the decision-making process, they may rebel to assert their voice and demand representation.

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