How is a rainbow formed ?.

Discover the magic behind rainbows!

Have you ever seen a rainbow? It's pretty cool! This happens when sunlight enters a water droplet and gets all bent up as it goes from the air into denser water. Then, it bounces off the back of the drop before coming out again. That little journey causes all different colors to come out - red, orange, yellow, green blue indigo and violet (in that order!). There can be two rainbows if there are extra reflections in there too!

Now here's something trippy: even though we see them 'out there' in nature somewhere - like over your head on a rainy day or sometimes near sprinklers that spray misty goodness around- rainbows aren't actually solid things hanging around waiting for us to point at them; they're just illusions created by light refracting through drops suspended in midair above our heads while we look up with no clouds blocking sun rays behind where we happen to stand down below looking upwards towards Heaven itself...

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