Global coalition aims to reduce reliance on US dollar

 24 Countries Express Interest in Adopting BRICS Currency to Challenge US Dollar's Dominance

Recent news reports indicate that a coalition of 24 countries is interested in creating a strategic alliance that could challenge the US dollar's position as the world's reserve currency. One of the driving factors behind this move is the potential of a currency from the New Development Bank (NDB) that could emerge from the BRICS nations, which could pose a unique threat to the US dollar's supremacy in global trade. Although the idea of a BRICS currency has been explored in the past, there are still some practical questions that need 

to be answered before it can become a reality. However, if implemented, it could displace the US dollar as the reserve currency of BRICS members. Some experts believe that the dollar's dominance puts a heavy burden on other nations, as their dollar-denominated debt rises and falls with fluctuations in the exchange rate. A BRICS currency could potentially alleviate this issue.

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