Sanctions imposed by the US on Iran and other countries have failed to achieve its foreign policy objectives.USA think tank

 Sanctions imposed by the US on Iran and other countries have not only failed to achieve its foreign policy objectives but have also caused significant harm to civilians, says an American think tank.

Iran is just the latest example of how sanctions rarely, if ever, meet their stated goals yet consistently succeed in causing mass civilian suffering and casualty," Responsible Statecraft, an online magazine of Washington-based Quincy Institute, said. 

The article referred to US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen's recent remarks in which she admitted that sanctions imposed on Iran simply are not working, or at least working “much less than we would ideally like.”

She noted that the measures failed to cause a behavioral change in Iran, rather creating a "real economic crisis in the country."

The United States under former president Donald Trump reinstated crippling sanctions on Iran after unilaterally walking out of the 2015 nuclear deal in May 2018, despite Iran's full compliance with the terms of the agreement, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). 

Although Trump failed to achieve his professed goals with the so-called "maximum pressure" campaign, the waves of sanctions took a heavy toll on ordinary Iranians, including those battling life-threatening diseases.

The sanctions, maintained by Trump's successor, have restricted the financial channels necessary to pay for basic goods and medicine, undermining supply chains by limiting the number of suppliers willing to facilitate sales of humanitarian goods to the country. 

Iran has repeatedly denounced the sanctions as an act of “economic war”, “economic terrorism”, and “medical terrorism”.

According to the report, the sanctions imposed on Russia following its military campaign in Ukraine that began in 2022 also failed to stop the war..

"Often serving as another way for the US to promote hegemony in the name of democracy and human rights, regime change is both a dubious objective in and of itself and is one sanctions cannot achieve." 

The American think tank noted that "humanitarian carveouts alone cannot meaningfully mitigate harms to civilians in sanctioned areas, nor can they create the enabling environment civil society needs to carry out their work in support of these civilians", calling for reforms to the US material support statute and for targeted, well-defined, time-bound scope of sanctions, with clear and measurable objectives.

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