What is the conflict between Iran and Israel?

What is the conflict between Iran and Israel

Iran-Israel Conflict Overview

The conflict between Iran and Israel is rooted in a combination of political, religious, and security factors. Iran, a Shia Muslim country, has long been a vocal opponent of Israel, a Jewish state, and its policies towards the Palestinians. Iran's support for militant groups that are hostile to Israel, such as Hezbollah in Lebanon, has further heightened tensions between the two countries. Israel views Iran as a major threat to its security due to its nuclear program, ballistic missile capabilities, and support for militant groups. The two countries have engaged in an ongoing war of words and occasional acts of covert aggression, and the prospect of a direct militaryhttps://rb.gy/qqhiqr confrontation between them remains a concern for the international community.

can Israel attack,Iran alone?

Former commander of Israel’s navy Eliezer Marom has said that Iran is on the threshold of obtaining nuclear weapons and it is better to attack “now than later.”

 Marom was asked when the right time is to attack Iran’s nuclear installations.

"In my understanding, I think Israel has to attack, because the situation right now is that Iran is a threshold country - 100 percent," he replied.

The former vie-admiral said that although Iran is currently enriching uranium to 60 percent, it can quickly increase enrichment to above 90 percent, which is necessary for a nuclearhttps://rb.gy/t3svb6 bomb. He added, “the moment to jump from threshold to holding nuclear weapons will be very, very short… and therefore I think the time to attack… the clock is ticking, and we will have to do it sooner rather than later, sooner it means in the upcoming year."

Negotiation to re-establish limitations on Iran’s nuclear program are in limbo and Tehran has gone beyond the previous limit on enrichment that existed under the 2015 nuclear deal known as the JCPOA.

Iran drone attack 2023.

According to the latest information, an unknown drone has attackedhttps://rb.gy/nfjanh Iran's military facilities, and this has increased the possibility of an Iran-Israel war.

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