Why is Saudi Arabia in opposition to Bashar Al Assad?

Back round 2010, Assad proposed a highly bold nearby improvement plan that could have related Europe, Africa, and W and S Asia with a community of oil and fueloline pipelines, in addition to different transportation infrastructure. It might make the most Syria’s location, that is the international’s pleasant for one of these plan, and might have made it the hub of the ME. It could have bypassed the manner Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States rely upon supertankers to get their oil and fueloline to international markets. Its foremost companions for this type of plan have been going to be Russia and Iran, and of path they desired to apply it to rebuild and redevelop Iraq. Russia became going to be a prime capitalizing partner, inclined to place billions of bucks as much as get the infrastructure built.

Saudi Arabia sided with America and Turkey so that you can smash Syria due to the fact they figured that the Five Seas Vision plan from Syria could marginalize them and preserve them from having a dominant function within side the ME and international strength markets. Turkey felt the same. As for the United States, it desires to dominate and manipulate all international electricity markets, and it'd in no way permit this type of Five Seas plan—in particular in view that it'd improve Russia and Iran, and additionally then connect to China’s Belt and Road, which the United States additionally wishes stopped.

Don’t trust the testimonies about ‘rival’ pipelines. Saudi Arabia or Qatar or UAE, etc. aren’t going to construct any pipelines throughout destroyed Syria. Just because the US in no way supposed to construct pipelines throughout Afghanistan—it simply desired to ensure C Asian oil and fuel line in no way were given to S Asia through pipelines throughout Afghanistan. Mission accomplished. Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan are all now ‘failed states’.

In a nutshell, why americaA, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia destroyed Syria.

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