who were the Dzungar?

 Why did China carry out the 18th-century Dzungar genocide?

to drive the Mongols out. The Mongols ruled over Central Asia. China also desired to have control of Central Asia. In east Asia, Mongolia had already been ruled. The Chinese Empire had incorporated the whole Mongolian territory. Mongolians from Central Asia, however, hadn't. A vassalage pact existed. But that arrangement quickly broke down.

China then. especially during the Manchu era. choose to invade. The Mongols of Central Asia were wiped off by them. Afterwards. They came to the conclusion that the area required relocation. They brought both Chinese and non-Chinese people to the area. In Xinjiang, groups like the Uyghurs have settled.

The Dzungar Khanate, the last great nomadic empire in Asia, was a union of numerous Tibetan Buddhist Oirat Mongol tribes that rose to power around the beginning of the 17th century. According to some academics, between 500,000 and 800,000 Dzungar people, or nearly 80% of the population, died as a result of fighting and disease during or after the Qing conquest in 1755–1757. [2] [4] The Qing government exterminated the local inhabitants of Dzungaria, and in order to repopulate the region, it subsequently placed Han, Hui, Uyghur, and Xibe people on state farms in Dzungaria alongside Manchu Bannermen.

Following the dynasty's first conquest of the Dzungar Khanate with Amursana's assistance, the Qianlong Emperor ordered the genocide in response to the insurrection led by Dzungar leader Amursana against Qing power in 1755.

This explains why Xinjiang has such a diverse population. After the local population was exterminated, they were forced to bring in other populations.

Genocide committed by Qian Long was unrelenting. The Mongols were pursued by him into Eastern Europe. up to now. Eastern Europe is still home to some of these people. as the Kalmyk Republic.

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