when and why bashar ul asad become the us enemy?


As a result of the Iraq War, Assad turned against the United States. Saddam Hussein's regime acted as a potent check against the rise of Iranian influence in the Middle East prior to the US invasion of Iraq in 2003. As soon as Saddam was removed from office, rival Shiite factions in Iraq that were supported by Iran grew in strength and influence in the largely Shiite nation.

While the Saudis and Israelis, who both saw Iran as their principal regional foe, were undoubtedly alarmed by the growth of Iranian influence into Iraq, the 2006 Lebanon War against the Iranian-backed Shiite organisation Hezbollah raised serious concerns.Israel attempted to suppress the southern Lebanon missile fire into Israel throughout that battle, but they were unsuccessful.

After the 2006 Lebanon War, the US and Israel made the decision to depose Assad in order to stop Iranian growth. The Iranians establishing direct supply routes from Iran to Israel's border was the main cause for concern for the US and Israel. Assad belongs to the Alawite branch of Islam, which is linked to Shiism. He consequently maintains tight connections with Iran as well. The US hoped that by toppling Assad, they would be able to cut off Iranian supplies to Hezbollah.

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