what do you know about Dmitri Mendeleev?

 Famous Russian chemist and inventor Dmitri Mendeleev lived from 1834 to 1907.

Dmitri and his mother travelled more than 2200 kilometres, primarily on foot, from Tobolsk in Siberia to Moscow in 1849 in order for Dmitri to receive an education at Moscow University.

Dmitri had to travel several hundred more kilometres with his mother to enrol at St. Peterburg University after being turned down by Moscow University owing to his rural upbringing. But he was also turned down here. Despite their extremely difficult and lengthy voyage, the mother and son persisted, and Dmitri was eventually accepted at the Chief Pedagogical Institute in St. Petersburg,

His mother died from tuberculosis that the family contracted in the same year. Dmitri miraculously recovered when it was not expected that he would.

He then spent the following many years working as a chemistry professor and author of organic chemistry textbooks.

When he awoke from a dream in which he saw the elements arranging themselves on a table in the 1860s, he rapidly sketched out what he had seen and created the periodic table of elements.

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