How amazing is the dumbest fight in history?

 The Karánsebes battle

It is magnificent.

The Habsburg Austrians, the Ottomans' longtime adversaries, are being invaded.

The 100,000-strong Austrian army set up camp in Karansebes on September 21, 1788, in anticipation of the imminent Ottoman assault.

To begin, they dispatched some Hussar cavalry to scout the area. The Hussars discovered some Romana persons selling Schnaps but no Ottomans. The Hussars purchased the alcohol, dismounted, and began to consume it.

A short while later, some infantry is sent out on a scouting mission and happens to come across the Hussars. They decide they'd also like a drink and some Schnaps. The Hussars retort, "No, we paid for it; leave."Well, the infantrymen were upset about this and got into a brawl. The Hussars erected defensive fortifications around the liquor barrels as the conflict intensified. Eventually, a shot was fired, and the altercation got worse.

Someone started shouting "Turci," which is Turkish, during the battle. The inebriated cavalry fled back to camp after losing faith in an Ottoman invasion. As the two units fled and engaged in combat, the infantry followed.

The non-German cavalry and infantry misheard the Austrian commands to "stop" as they neared the camp and believed they were being ambushed.

Then the cavalry charged the camp. When the artillery notices this, it assumes the Ottomans are on the attack and starts to cannonade the histor.

Now when the entire camp believes it is under attack, all 100,000 of them begin to leave. The Austrian Emperor almost drowns after falling off his horse.

As a rearguard defence against itself, the entire army withdraws.

In the end, 1,000 to 10,000 men perished, and the gold chest carrying the army's paycheck mysteriously disappeared.

A few days later, the Ottomans arrived, conquered the town, and enquired for the Austrians' whereabout۔

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