Do you know civilians rights?

 An elderly woman from Tribor, a village near Frankfurt Airport, filed a court case against Frankfurt International Airport.

 The woman explained the reason as follows

 The noise of the planes at night is so loud that I can't sleep at night, because of which I often feel bad.

 In the court, after listening to the old woman's whole story, the judge asked the woman, "What do you want now?"

 In return for this noise, you want to get some compensation from the airport or you want to get a house away from the airport?

 The woman said something like this in response

 I live here in my own house and have been living here for a long time, since my body cannot tolerate this much noise anymore, so some other reasonable solution should be found for this problem.

 And he said that neither I need any money nor I want to leave my village and go somewhere

 The current authorities of that time were also very worried that what could be the solution to this problem, either the woman wants to leave here or such a big airport can be moved somewhere else.

 The airport authorities offered numerous requests to the woman to withdraw from her case, asking for a luxurious house away from the airport and also asking for a large sum of money, but the old woman was not going to back down from her decision.

 Finally the judge got tired and said if we manage your sleeping time, meaning a certain time of night when you are sleeping then no flight will land at the airport.

 Do you agree with this decision that the woman was satisfied, and since then no flights land at Frankfurt International Airport between 12:00 PM and 5:00 AM.

 *This is the honor, the place, the justice that Germany gives to its people, taxpayers, every human being has equal rights and the standard of justice is the same for everyone.

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