General of Ukraine Threatens to Destroy Bridg

 General of Ukraine Threatens to Destroy Bridge Connecting Crimea To Russia

This week, a senior Ukrainian officer threatened to use long-range Western weaponry to obliterate a large bridge connecting Russia to the annexed Crimean Peninsula.

On Wednesday night, Major General Dmytro Marchenko stated that Kiev viewed the 745-foot Kerch bridge as a valid military target in its ongoing conflict with Vladimir Putin's occupying forces.

The general who has been in charge of Ukraine's defence of the Mykolaiv region in the south spoke to the Krym.Realii website and described the £2.7 billion bridge as a "umbilical chord" bringing Russian reinforcements to the south.

He responded to the publication when asked what the Ukrainian military intended to do with the new, cutting-edge weapons that Kyiv is pleading with the West to supply.

To cut off (Russian) reinforcements, we must sever this umbilical link. When it's finished, (Moscow) will panic,' he said.

In order to stave against Russia's more powerful forces, Ukraine has pleaded with its partners to send more and better weapons quickly. Western armaments have been essential to the beleaguered country's surprisingly early success.

For fear of entangling more nations in an even larger agreement, Western nations have been hesitant to deploy long-range weaponry that may be used to launch attacks deeper within Russian territory.

In 2014, Russia seized Crimea from Ukraine. After the bridge's construction was finished in 2018, Russia began utilising it to transport military personnel and supplies over the Strait of Kerch.

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