common vegetable that can reduce elevated blood sugar levels .

 Researchers identify a common vegetable that can reduce elevated blood sugar levels by 50%.

The vegetable was demonstrated to decrease cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

One common vegetable has been identified by scientists as having a 50% blood sugar lowering effect and having "possible value" in the treatment of diabetic patients.

Blood sugar levels in Type 2 diabetics can rise to dangerously high levels because their pancreas is unable to produce enough insulin to control them.

However, research presented on Thursday (August 25) at The Endocrine Society's 97th annual meeting in San Diego showed that when given combined with the anti-diabetic medicine metformin, an onion bulb extract can "substantially lower" high blood sugar and total cholesterol levels."Onion is cheap and readily available and has been utilised as a nutritious supplement," said Anthony Ojieh, the study's principal author from Delta State University in Abraka, Nigeria. It could be applied to the treatment of diabetic patients.

Rats were used in the experiment to test the theory. Three groups of diabetically induced rats were administered different amounts of the onion extract to determine whether it would improve the effects of the medication.

study reveals

200 mg, 400 mg, and 600 mg per kilogramme of body weight were the doses. Three groups of non-diabetic rats with normal blood sugar were also given the medication and an onion by the researchers.

According to the study, giving diabetic rats 400 mg and 600 mg per kilogramme of body weight "significantly lowered" their blood sugar levels by 50% and 35%, respectively, when compared to a baseline level.

The 400mg and 600mg doses of the onion extract had the greatest benefits on the total cholesterol levels in diabetic rats.

Additionally, the non-diabetic rats in the trial gained weight as a result of the onion extract, but not the diabetic rats.

Ojieh said, "Onion is not high in calories. "However, it appears to speed up the metabolism and, along with it, the appetite, which causes more feeding.

"We need to look at the mechanism via which onions reduced blood sugar levels. As of yet, there is no explanation.

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