What aspects of the Yemeni conflict had the Houthis won?

 What aspects of the Yemeni conflict had the Houthis won?

The Houthis and their popularity in the North were underrated by the Saudis. And as a result, they progressively became mired in a conflict that could not be won.

The Houthis have successfully evolved from a small-town militia into a well-equipped military force and an organization that is truly able to govern a nation.

In their early years, they participated in negotiations and dispute resolution in local village councils, which helped them gain popularity. Many Yemeni government employees complained that they weren't getting paid in the years prior to 2011. As a result, Houthi commanders started giving them direct salary. Additionally, the Houthis brought peace and security to many lawless regions in the North.

They gained popularity in the area over time, and hundreds of tribal elders and leaders—who actually have the power in Yemen—started pledging their allegiance to Hussein and Abdul Al Houthi.

The Houthis succeeded in retaining control over almost the entire North and in forging a solid and devoted base of millions of Yemenis who are dedicated to upholding their rule. While there is little doubt that not all Yemenis support the Houthis, it is challenging to oppose a movement that enjoys such widespread popular support.

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