How did 300000, Afghan soldiers lose to 75000, Taliban soldiers?


How did 300000, Afghan soldiers lose to 75000, Taliban soldiers? Scheduled handover. A few months before the collapse of Kabul, some Tajik, Uzbek, and Hazaras leaders and organizations had government Taliban supporters surrender the country without fighting and turning anti-Taliban warlords into their own equipment. He claimed to be colluding to leave it to him. As the Taliban moved forward in Herat, Ismail Khan also gathered hundreds of men to help protect the city. But what did the Afghan army do? They withdrew unexpectedly  and withdrew. Ismail Khan was captured because of the large numbers and the inability to keep the city. Since fleeing to Iran, Ismail Khan has been interviewed by Ariana News, claiming that the government has plot against him and the city. As the Taliban advanced the Mazar E Sharif, Dostam and Attanur rallyed their men to protect the Mazar E Sharif. What did the Afghan army do when the Taliban approached? They left the city and withdrew to the Autobahn. The Taliban were quickly overwhelmed and occupied the city with minimal force. After fleeing to Uzbekistan, Dostam cursed the crabs and accused them of plotting against them and deliberately abandoning the city. "Unfortunately, despite our stubborn resistance,  the entire government and  # ANDSF equipment were handed over to the  # Taliban as a result of a large, organized and timid conspiracy. They were Marshal Dostam. I adjusted the plan to catch me, but it failed. "Attanur When the crab fled the country, Amurula Surrey (former Vice President and Panjshir) turned his back on him. Saleh accused the crab of being a traitor who secretly worked behind the scenes with the Taliban  to sell  the country. Amru La Salee fled to Panjshir and tweeted this  a few days later. "Under any circumstances, I will never succumb to  Talib terrorists. I will never betray the soul and heritage of my hero, Ahmad Shah Massoud, commander, legend and leader. It won't disappoint the  millions of people who have listened to me. I will never form an alliance with the Taliban. " No genius is needed to understand that all of these leaders may be telling the truth. Why was Afghanistan's most powerful and ideologically driven AntiTal?

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