Shah iran

 Shah of Iran had a great relations with Egyptian royalty and his first wife was Egyptian princess Fawzia Fuad.

The Iranian and Egyptian imperial families after a wedding in Saadabad Palace, Tehran, 25 April 1939

Although later Mohammed Reza Shah divorced Fawzia and Egyptian royal family lost its power, the government of Anwar Sadat in 1970 pursued friendly relations with Iran resulting in many geopolitical consequences for region, but also with a personal friendship between Anwar Sadat and Mohammed Reza Shah Pahlawi.

So, when in 1979 after revolution Mohammed Reza Shah’s family left Iran, they first headed to Aswan (Egypt). Later on, Mohammed Reza Shah’s family traveled around the world in sought for refuge and medical treatment for his poor health condition (Morocco, Bahamas, USA, Mexico, Panama), but eventually returned to Egypt (thanks to support Anwar Sadat, who renewed his offer of permanent asylum in Egypt to the ailing monarch). In Egypt, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi had medical treatment, but despite that died in 1980 in Cairo. He was given state funeral.

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